Skins is a British teen drama that followed the lives of a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form. Its controversial storylines have explored issues such as dysfunctional families, mental illness (such as eating disorders and bipolar disorder), adolescent sexuality, substance abuse, death and bullying. Each episode generally focuses on a particular character and the struggles they face in their life. The episodes are named after the featured character. The show was created by father-and-son television writers Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain for Company Pictures, and premiered on E4 on 25 January 2007. The show went on to be a critical success as well as a ratings winner within its target demographic.
Skins - Series 3 Episode 3 - Thomas
Thomas arrives alone in the UK from the Congo. His family are due to join him in a few days. He finds an abandoned flat on an estate, but little does he know that local gangster Johnny White is his new landlord. Thomas then meets Pandora and Effy at a bus stop. They head back to Effy’s where she discovers her mum having an affair. Johnny White pays Thomas a visit and demands money. Pandora invites Thomas to her Aunt Elizabeth’s for tea and scones. He soon discovers the tea is made from marijuana and offers to sell it to get the money to pay Johnny. The gang agree to help Thomas by selling at a party which turns out to be Johnny Whites turf. After escaping, the gang gives the money they've made to Thomas but Johnny and his cronies turn up. Johnny turns and notices Cook, he walks over to him and reminds him of the threat he made (he would kill Cook when he saw him again) and snatches the chain from around Cook's neck that Cook took from Johnny in the previous episode. Before Johnny can beat Cook, Thomas steps in and challenges him instead. Thomas wins the challenge by eating chillies. The gang decide to celebrate, but Thomas’s mum turns up, and appalled by the ensuing party, sends him back home. The episode ends with Pandora being consoled by her Aunt Elizabeth.
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